Tuesday, 10 May 2011

The influx of bikes in and arnound Nairobi

 Is it just me ama have you all realised it.its not just in estates but even in the city centre.not a minute passes by with out the irritating sound of a motor bike passing by. and I'm not talking about the courier ones, nor the sports bikes and Harleys more like bodabodas.its an INVASION.
so i frequent Kampala and i know the mess and anarchy these things can cause.congestion, accidents, pollution are just a few of the dangers they pose.i have always taken great awareness when i cross Tomboya street to the more crowded side of town(I love to call it 'ocha ya tao') more so after i was mugged round Ordeon not so long ago.then now i have to brace myself to contend with muggers,touts,beggars,matatus,ordinary people, adding bikes and tuktuks just makes me want to weep.
so now instead of headed the metropolitan way where i thought nai would be like Manhattan ama something of the sort come 2030, i now see Mumbai and one of those ancient Chinese towns with jams of motorbikes and tuktuks.

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