jenny from the block had her arse insured |
if you thought RDX just did to nari narita, these are from ug |
there's no denying it. us men are visual objects. just the sight of cleavage, thighs, cute face and a lot of the other features ladies have us oblivious of everything else around us. but i think the arse is the one body part we universally agree tops the list. and ladies know it too...thats why they wear high heels and hipsters.you just need to walk around the CBD, mostly on friday. ARSEMATIC. one of my exes has an awsome bossom but an indian arse.and as much as it was a good relationship and i was comfortable with her body and all those things people get into relationships for, something was missing. and sincerely, it kept eating away at my soul. we have come up with many names for the pair.i aint going to mention then because that's a guys code. but i have to pay tribute.look at these...
we all know about kim kardashian |
janet jackson might ave popped a boob at super bowl but there's no denying she has an ample back side
and finally, for those who consider arses a fetish...
http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=362752345710&v=photos follow the link
i just clickd on kim kardashian's pic...darn.THAT'S AN ARSE