Sunday, 22 May 2011

The state of our eduction system

i have no doubt i am a guru. and no one can dispute that either.there was a time i was a genius too. those last years of primo and early high school.but last week my results from last sem's exams were at and i 'threw some Ds on that bitch'.so what happened?
i was mostly forces to read through primary. ma mum was always on ma neck waking me up at 5.30, bought me past papers and extra text see she was a teacher and knew how the system worked. i did hate it to some extent, but came to miss and crave it when i went to high school.i was thrust in to boarding life where i almost did what ever i instead of reading text books, i turned to newspapers and novels. there was also the story about subjects i hated.history mostly...continued indulgence in extra curricular activities.drama and rugby during first term,music and football during 2nd term and we all know how short third term was. by the time i sat down to read,the year was i crammed my way through exams.
so im out of high school and university doing ACCA and B.Com. i still can't read. my last semester of my freshman year, i attended 8 out of 48 classes.i do not go to strath for my ACCA classes.i wait fr the night before a CAT to get busy. i wait for a week to exams to study.
so it may just be me and my lack of reading spirit but wait.i do not go to classes because i do not see the need. most of what i am taught is not practical.i will never use it anywhere in life.even my dad who is has been practicing accounting for some decades tells me i will only use at most 4 topics of the whole course.then there is the issue of lecturers. the guys do not even mark our papers.all you get is your marks. you can't even get back your script to know where you went wrong and make amends. there's a lecturer who made us cram his own book.there was this one time he asked us what accounting was.simple question you would have thought.the trick was that it was 15marks. now we wrote all we could. during revision, the guy told us that quoting 'accounting is a tool...' and some other sentences he jabbered after would earn you all the marks. but just the mention of it being a tool was 6marks. this from an accounting book that has more than 300 page. but we were to pick that one paragraph. no room was given for mind application. the same guys refrained us from asking questions during class.we would only do it during the was to harbor all my questions for like to months. how would i even ask it then?it would be so out of context.
our education system does not train us to be innovative. we are trained to get jobs.for those of us who feel its not what you want, you feel misplaced. the gradual introduction of information, is good,but teaching us irrelevant stuff ain't. buy the time i get to campus, i know what i want to do. and if i took up a business related course, why teach me biology? then there is the issue of lecturers who can do all they want. under mark, sleep with the campus students to award higher marks, force you to buy what benefits them, fail to attend class and a lot more. these guys are so old, they studied in the 40s or 50s. yet, they want to teach in a modern age where technology has taken over yet their rigidity would not let them keep up.
the state of our campuses, especially the public ones is so wanting one can not probably start talking about it.yet it is this same campuses that parents so much want their kids to attend.the same goes for the high schools. the government ones whether on the provincial, district or the new county levels, they are all whack. and at  that time when bullying was still as widespread, your parent would still push you there knowing you ill get taunted and who is to blame for the situation faced by the country? we have a nation of test takers who o to schools to get grades and not learn. we have parents who care no doubt, but would push you into places they know are wanting. we have a system consisting of lecturers, students, institutions that are just....
we need a change.

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